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3 Tips for Conducting a Tenant Background Check in Boise, ID

3 Tips for Conducting a Tenant Background Check in Boise, ID

Every landlord has a long list of duties to complete every month; some are far from fun.

An example of this is handling problems with tenants. Tenant issues are challenging, but you can reduce these issues by choosing the right tenants.

To do this, you must complete a tenant background check. This screening helps you learn vital details about a person. You use these details to determine if you should approve their application.

Here are three tips to help you conduct effective background checks in Boise, ID.

1. Know the Law

As a landlord, you have the legal right to conduct tenant screenings. You also have the right to use the information you find to decide which tenants to approve.

However, you must understand the rules of the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The FHA contains laws relating to housing, including laws to avoid discrimination against people.

Before you perform screenings and use the information you find, learn tenant screening laws in Boise.

For example, you cannot base your decision on a person's:

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity

These are just a few examples. You risk facing legal troubles if you do not follow these laws. Therefore, learn them before conducting tenant screenings.

2. Use Multiple Steps

Next, a Boise tenant background check should contain multiple steps. Each step reveals different details about the person.

One step is researching the person's criminal record. The criminal record reveals if they have past criminal charges.

The next step is running a credit check. A credit check tells you the person's credit score, which reveals several things.

A credit reveals a person's creditworthiness. Does the person pay their bills on time? It also shows how a person manages their debts.

Another step is contacting previous landlords. If you ask applicants to list previous landlords, you'll have the contact information to call them. You can ask them about the prospective tenant to acquire more details.

3. Hire an Expert

Lastly, consider hiring an expert to handle your tenant background checks. You can hire property managers to handle this task. You can also ask them to do other tasks, such as tenant placement.

When searching for a property management company, find one that:

  • Knows the area well
  • Has a great reputation
  • Offers all property management services
  • Has a track record of success

Outsourcing this duty provides some benefits. First, you'll receive thorough details from each screening. Secondly, the company will know and follow the law, helping you avoid legal troubles.

The top benefit is that it may help you find higher-quality tenants. These tenants are the type you need and want for your business.

Get Assistance With a Tenant Background Check

A tenant background check gives you the information you need about a person. These screenings take time and effort but are worthwhile.

Do you need assistance with this task or others?

Wave Property Management provides services in Boise, ID. Our team of professionals helps rental property owners succeed. We offer transparent, accurate, and trustworthy services to property owners.

Reach out to learn more about our services.
