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Why Boise Rental Investors Hire Wave Property Management to Manage their Assets

Why Boise Rental Investors Hire Wave Property Management to Manage their Assets

We know that real estate investors have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a Boise property management company. At Wave Property Management, we are a consistent choice for new investors and those who are growing their portfolios. 

Today, we want to tell you why.

More than Boise Property Management 

Our clients aren’t impressed with our ability to collect rent, place tenants, and respond to maintenance. 

All property managers are expected to do those things

What sets us apart is our commitment to the success of your entire investment experience. We want to know what is most challenging about the process for you, because that’s where we’ll start our work. We believe in managing your entire asset, and that requires us to get to know your unique investment goals. 

There are so many opportunities out there for investors. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for unique ways to diversify and expand your current portfolio, we have our fingers on the pulse of the Boise real estate market. We can identify opportunities that fit your goals. We are well-positioned to handle everything for you, from acquisitions to rental values to improvements. 

This is about more than just renting out a property. This is about building financial security and long-term wealth. We’re a partner in your financial future. Whether you’re interested in multi-family buildings that will cash flow quickly, or mobile home investments, we know how to help.

Relationships and Communication Count

Another reason investors appreciate working with Wave Property Management is that we value communication. This is more than returning phone calls and posting updates to your online owner’s portal. It’s about bringing you education, information, and news that will help you have a better investment experience. We love sharing our expertise and showing you how to optimize your assets and our resources. 

Relationships with tenants are also important. This impacts our owners and investors because low tenant turnover has a real impact on ROI. We’re fair and consistent with our renters, and we treat them with respect. 

Most of us have been tenants at one point in our lives. We remember what it’s like to rent a home, and we want to help tenants who are looking to improve their lives. Our relationships with tenants are important to us, and it helps everyone have a better rental experience.

Increasing Earnings on Your Boise Rental Property

We believe in establishing a fair and competitive rental value, and we also want to make sure that you earn as much money as possible on your rental properties. 

Well-maintained properties are always going to be in demand. If you’re renting out a great home in a good neighborhood, you can charge what it’s worth and you’ll always have tenants who are interested in it. Raising the rent during lease renewals is pretty standard; most tenants expect their rent is going to go up from year to year. 

We maximize what you earn, by establishing a rental value that matches the Boise market and ensuring you are paid what your property is worth.

You can also count on us to make recommendations about what might earn you more in rent. Simple and cost-effective upgrades, for example, can make a big difference in what you earn and how quickly you attract good tenants. We’ll help you make those decisions and line up the necessary vendors and contractors to do the work.

These are just a few of the reasons Boise real estate investors choose to work with us when they need professional property management for their assets. We’d love to tell you more and hear about your own investment goals. Contact us at Wave Property Management.
